Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment

S. de Jel and H. Vacik:

A silvicultural characterisation of Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) in South Tyrol


South Tyrol is, to some extent, the “heart” of the silver fir geographic range. Here, its high natural potential is only surpassed by Norway spruce. However, silver fir is below its South Tyrol potential range, due to historical use and browsing pressure. Within the project “Forest typology”, a handbook and a forest type map have been produced as a basis for silvicultural decision-making in multi-purpose forestry. On the basis of criteria such as forest site conditions, vegetation ecology and silvicultural measures, 111 forest types have been determined in total, including 11 Spruce-Fir forest types as well as 10 Spruce-Fir-Beech forest types. This paper concentrates on the current and potential distribution of silver fir, its regeneration ecology, as well as the appropriate silvicultural treatment of Spruce-Fir forests, considering economic and protection functions in the light of two examples. Key words: Ecograph, regeneration, thinning, protection forest.