Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment

B. Amon, Th. Amon, J. Boxberger, A. Pöllinger and A. Zaussinger:

Development of a method to determine emission rates from agriculture


Animal husbandry systems emit NH3, CH4 and N20. Ammonia emissions cause eutrophication of ecosystems and damages to forests due to acid rain. CH4 and N2O are greenhouse gases. All emitting sources from the animal housing, during manure storage and after manure spreading must be examined to find ways to reduce the emissions. For this purpose the ILUET developed a large-scaled open dynamic chamber which can be placed on the emitting surfaces to collect the emissions. A high resolution FTIR spectroscope analyses the concentrations of NH3, CH4, N20 and CO2. This article describes in detail the new developed measurement technique. Key words: ammonia, methane, dinitiousoxide (N2O), measurement technique, agriculture.