e-mail: mortimer.mueller(at)boku.ac.at

phone: +43 / 1 / 47654 - 91318

Institute of Silviculture (Institut für Waldbau)
Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
A-1190 Wien, Peter Jordanstr. 82

room: 02/114 (Schwackhöferhaus, 2nd floor)

Mortimer M. Müller

... studied Landscape Architecture and Planning at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. In masters program he focused on landscape preservation, nature conservancy and forest ecology. His master thesis discusses lightning induced forest fires in Austria. Since November 2011 he is research assistant at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. His field of work concentrates on the Austrian forest fire research. He is involved in the projects AFFRI (Austrian Forest Fire Research Initiative), ALP FFIRS (Alpine Forest Fire Warning System) und FIRIA (Fire Risk Austria). One aim of his work is the development of a prediction model of lightning induced forest fires in the Alpine region.                          

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