Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment

T. Krička, S. Sito, N. Voća, J. Barčić, Ž. Jukić, S. Voća and V. Janušić:

Differences in water release rate of hulled and hull-less pumpkin seed


Aim of this paper was to determine the effect of air velocity during the drying process of three of pumpkin varieties used for human nutrition and edible oil. Drying of pumpkin seed was conducted at four different temperatures and two different air velocities. Hence, exponential equations of drying process were calculated together with related determination coefficients and water activation energy values for every variety and every year. Results indicated that the optimum drying process for the seed of each pumpkin variety is to be conducted at temperature of 60 °C. This drying temperature ensures the highest oil content in comparison to other drying temperatures. Furthermore, it ensures high quality of dried seed along with rational energy consumption. Key words: Pumpkin seed, drying, energy activation, temperature, air velocity.