man in suit looking on his wristwatch

Course planning

Planning of the courses for the next academic year

Course planning schedule

The general schedule for course scheduling, including deadlines, is described in key steps in the following PDFs:

Course planning – course assignment procedure
Course planning - processes and time frames

To apply for new free elective course, please use this form:

Application form for free elective course

General information

Course description in BOKUonline

The teachers have to check and update (if necessary) the course description (especially the learning outcomes, exam method, etc.) during the planning period. Further entries like information about the recommended reading can be filled in/added and/or changed after the planning period too.

General criteria for the definition of learning outcomes, calculated ECTS, guidelines for courses with continuous assessment, etc. can be found on the Senates website under the link to the BOKU-Studien für die Zukunft (only available in German).

An example for a course description can be found here


Changes regrading course titles and types, content as well as ECTS have to be discussed beforehand with the respective committee - Fachstudien-Arbeitsgruppen (only available in German) and an application for change has to be submitted to the respective committee if this (especially concerning compulsory courses) entails a change in the curricula.

Changes during the semester are NOT possible, except additional information in the course description or script-uploads.