Die Bodenkultur - Volume 60 / issue 1

 Special topic: Preservation of Biocultural Diversity – a global issue


B.E. Splechtna and M. Kriechbaum:


U. Eser:

Ethical perspectives on the preservation of biocultural diversity

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P. Kieninger, W. Holzner and M. Kriechbaum:

Biocultural Diversity and Satoyama.

Emotions and the fun-factor in nature conversation - A lesson from Japan

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T. Miyaura:

Satoyama – a place for preservation of biodiversity and environmental education

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M. Ohsawa and T. Kitazawa:

Biocultural diversity and functional integrity of Japan’s rural landscape

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 land management – soil


E. Frossard and F. Christian:

Concepts and practices of nutrient management in agro-ecosystems: Can we draw lessons from history to design future sustainable agricultural production systems?

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