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Learning to cope with the impacts of climate change in agriculture.

Lifelong learning for sustainable agriculture

In cooperation with the Institut für Landtechnik.

Agriculture is the economic sector most exposed to climate change. The impacts of climate change affect the functioning of agroecosystems and food security. Therefore, innovations on more sustainable practices are needed to support the European agricultural sector (e.g. engineering companies, farmers, public technical institutions), including lifelong learning and training in AgTech and diversification of learners' profiles. Learning can take place anywhere, so lifelong learning has become a priority.

One of the tasks of BOKU's Lifelong Learning Department in the field of AgTech is to support the development of competences in Smart Farming in Europe and abroad and to maximise their impact and effectiveness.

Core principles of BOKU's engagement in various agricultural engineering education projects are the promotion of a culture of lifelong learning for all, the building of strong competence partnerships, the development of qualification opportunities as well as equal opportunities.



USAGE-NG aims to empower all kinds of farming students to use digital agricultural technologies to monitor, quantify and mitigate the impacts of climate change on their individual farms.

Kühe fressen frisches Gras im Stall


The LATEST project (Local-focused AgTech Education for Successful Agricultural Transitions) 2021-2024 aims to promote the inclusion of AgTech in master-level education programmes to train future professionals.


USAGE - Upskilling Agricultural Engineering in Europe (Erasmus +) 2019-2022, aims to enable “digitally intelligent”, sustainable and inclusive agriculture through lifelong learning methods and innovative pedagogical approaches.