Course search

There are several ways to find or register for certain courses.

Application "My Degree Programme"

Click on the application "My Degree Programme" (previously "Study Status"). Here you will find your curriculum displayed in the standard view and can navigate to the corresponding node and register either for the course or for the exam.

Alternatively you can switch to "Semester plan" in the navigation and find the courses sorted by semester recommendation.

New Application "Courses"

This new application consists of 3 parts:

When you open it, you are in the "All courses" section, the search area. Here you can search the complete range of courses offered at BOKU, either by free text search and/or by a filter on your own curriculum.

In the results area, you will find a button "Course registration" (within the registration deadlines) or you can view the course details by clicking on the title or the detail button on the right.

The second area of the application is "My Courses" (also accessible via a separate access from the desktop). Here you can find all courses for which you are already registered and you can edit your registration (deregistration, re-registration). This area replaces the previous application "Course registration".

The third area is "My bookmarked courses" and corresponds to the previous "Course-Bookmarks". In each search result list of courses, a reservation can be created by clicking on the star next to the title. Attention, a bookmark is not a registration!