Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment

A. Adler, H. Lew, J. Moudry, Z. Sterba, K. Vratilova, W. Edinger, W. Brodacz and E. Kiendler:

Microbiological and mycotoxicological quality parameters of naked and covered oats with regard to the production of bran and flakes


The object of the study was to clarify whether - from a microbiological and mycotoxicological point of view – naked oats or covered oats was the better starting material for the production of oat bran or flakes. To this end, the microbial quality of samples of three cultivars of naked, and three cultivars of covered oats, collected at a total of four locations was tested over two vegetation periods. The parameters used to measure the microbial quality were: the bacterial and fungal counts, ergosterol as a chemical indicator of fungal attack, as well as contamination with the principal Fusarium toxins. In the cultivars of covered oats, the quality tests were carried out before and after hulling. The results show that hulling will bring about a drastic reduction in the contamination of oat kernels with microorganisms and mycotoxins. Consequently, the hulled groats of covered oats show a higher microbial quality than those of naked oats, especially with regard to their contamination with Fusarium toxins. Key words: oats, hulling, Fusarium toxins, bacterial and fungal counts, ergosterol.