General Information

We offer French courses for both beginner and advanced students. On BOKUonline you can find the available language courses, along with descriptions of each course and how they correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages levels. You can use this as a reference when applying for your course in order to see which course will fit your current language level best.

Winter Semester

French I (A1, no previous knowledge necessary)

This course (120023) teaches the foundations of French grammar, orthography and pronunciation, along with basic vocabulary.  During the course you will gain a basic level of language, covering everyday topics. You can find detailed information about the course, including learning outcomes, course accreditation and the scheduled teaching dates, on BOKUonline. Course fee: €130

French III (A2)

In this course (120065) your French vocabulary will be systematically developed by covering topics such as ‘the working world’, ‘living’, ‘the body and health’ and ‘events of the past’. Whilst improving your spoken and written French communication skills, you will also cover many important grammar points, such as forming questions with inversion, the past tense (imparfait, passé compose), direct object pronouns, the conditional tense, superlatives, the simple future, the use of ‘tout’ and adverbs. You can find detailed information about the course, including learning outcomes, course accreditation and the scheduled teaching dates, on BOKUonline. Course fee: €130

Summer Semester

French II (A1+)

In this course (120064) you will develop your basic French vocabulary, by covering topics such as the ‘weather’, ‘free time’, ‘travel’, ‘appearance and characteristics’, ‘fashion’ and ‘consumerism and alternatives’. You will also work on your knowledge of grammatical structures including modal verbs, forming questions, demonstratives, direct and indirect object pronouns, adjectives, ‘passé compose’, possessive pronouns, ‘futur proche’, etc. You can find detailed information about the course, including learning outcomes, course accreditation and the scheduled teaching dates, on BOKUonline. Course fee: €130

French IV (B1)

This course (120066) covers the topics ‘nature’, ‘environment’, ‘consumerism and its environmental effects’, ‘globalization’, ‘social engagement and solidarity’ and ‘student life and exchange programs’, covering topic specific vocabulary for each. In addition, the grammatical structures such as negation, the present continuous tense, indirect speech, the pluperfect tense, the subjunctive, comparatives, ‘le passé récent’, relative sentences and the passive will be taught and practiced in class. You can find detailed information about the course, including learning outcomes, course accreditation and the scheduled teaching dates, on BOKUonline. Course fee: €130

One year course (October - June)

French for Science and Technology (B2+) – Please note that this course is not offered every year!

This course (120000) is suitable for students who already have a good knowledge of French and would like to improve their ability to speak and write French at a scientific, academic level for BOKU-specific topics. This course runs for a year (October-June), and can only be started in the winter semester. It is important to note that this course is not offered every year. You can find detailed information about the course, including learning outcomes, course accreditation and the scheduled teaching dates, on BOKUonline. This course is free for BOKU students.

Mag.a Sabine Rothpuller


  • French I (A1)
  • French II (A1+)
  • French III (A2)
  • French IV (B1)
  • French for BOKU-specific subjects (B2

Sabine Rothpuller studied Romance and Slavic studies at the University of Vienna. She has worked as a lecturer of French and Russian for many years, both at home and abroad (MGU Moscow, WU Vienna, FH Vienna), as well as an interpreter in the economic field, translator of contemporary Russian literature and author of teaching materials. She has worked as a French lecturer at BOKU since 2014, teaching French for Science and Technology for both beginner and advanced students.