Bachelor programmes

For information on how to start a bachelor programme at BOKU, please switch to the German version.


Master programmes

Please consult the curriculum of the programme, where you can find the admission requirements (chapter 2).

Next, hand in the application form and all required documents either in person or send them via mail to the study services within the general admission period (allgemeine Zulassungsfrist) or the extended admission period (Nachfrist). Your application is evaluated individually by the study services.

  • If you fulfil all admission requirements, you are admitted.
  • Should you not fulfil all admission requirements, you can be admitted under the condition that you take up to 30 ECTS of extra courses.
  • In case you lack more than 30 ECTS of admission requirements, you cannot be admitted.

Please note, that we cannot provide any information, whether you will be admitted or which extra courses you will have to take. You will get this information, once the study services have evaluated your admission.

Information on admission with an international background.

3 steps to your admission




University Entrance Examinations ("Studienberechtigungsprüfung") and Vocational Matriculation Examinations ("Berufsreifeprüfung")

The University Entrance and Vocational Matriculation Examinations ("Studienberechtigungs- und Berufsreifeprüfung") give you the entitlement for studying at university.

The completed University Entrance Examinations give you the entitlement for studying specific degree programs. The Vocational Matriculation Examinations give you entitlement to freely choose your degree programs.

Further information can be found here:

University Entrance Examinations ("Studienberechtigungsprüfung")
Vocational Matriculation Examinations ("Berufsreifeprüfung")

Information on BOKU's University Entrance Examinations

In order to register for the University Entrance Examinations you must be able to prove vocational education and relevant professional experience. Processing happens through the Technical University Vienna. Further information can be found here:

In order to complete your University Entrance Examinations you must be at least 22 years old (or 20 years in case of a vocational education of at least four years). Exams from at least 5 different subjects are required. Preparation normally takes about one year.

In order to study at BOKU, the following exams must be completed successfully:

1) Essay
2) Mathematics
3) Physics
4) Foreign Language English
5) Elective Course
Exams 1 to 4 must be completed in front of a commission. Exam 5 is a subject from your planned university degree program which is completed as a non-degree student at BOKU.

The University Entrance Examinations only entitle you to study a specific, previously defined university degree program. Changing your degree program is not possible. Admission at BOKU must be submitted at the Technical University Vienna. The files are then passed on to BOKU.

Hint: In order to verify the feasibility, we highly recommend having an informational talk with the person in charge of University Entrance Examinations at BOKU, Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Wilhelm Friedrich Knaus!
Further information:    

Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Wilhelm Friedrich Knaus
Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften (NUWI)
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, A-1180 Wien
Tel .: +43 1 47654-93235