"According to its true nature, science is the study of the beauty of the world."
Simone Weil (1909-1943), French philosopher, translated from German


Research or science can make an important contribution to the transformation towards sustainable development by generating new knowledge and making it socially effective as well as developing and using innovative methodological approaches to combine theory and practice and promote participation. In order to find solutions for the global challenges of our time in terms of sustainable development, you need a deep understanding of complex interrelationships and systemic interdependencies, an interdisciplinary perspective on local and global processes as well as ethical principles that transcend generation and country boundaries. The university is a driving force in the transformation process through transdisciplinary knowledge transfer, awareness-raising and awareness-raising in society and thus fulfills its social responsibility.

As part of a materiality analysis, essential topics for the field of sustainability research were defined at the BOKU, which are dealt with in more detail in the following sub-items and in the menu items on the left.

What do we mean by sustainability-relevant research?

Sustainability-relevant research at the BOKU aims to make a contribution to sustainable development and the SDGs. It should create understanding, analyze relationships, identify problem areas and develop solutions for the challenges of our time. By developing new methods and instruments, it also promotes innovations and brings new impulses to society. In this way, sustainability-related research can make a decisive contribution.

You can also find more about the understanding of sustainability-relevant research in the BOKU Sustainability Understanding.

Inter- and transdisciplinary research

In order to develop possible solutions and implementation paths for a sustainable society, in addition to disciplinary excellence, the application of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methods is required. In order for research at the BOKU to make its contribution to the implementation of sustainable development, it is therefore necessary to actively promote inter- and transdisciplinarity as well as system-oriented and transformative approaches at the university.
In this context, one should highlight Citizen Science projects that promote exchange and dialogue between science and society. More about this at: https://boku.ac.at/citizen-science

On the other hand, interdisciplinary cooperation and exchange should move into the focus of doctoral studies, which is why the range of interdisciplinary doctoral programs (doctoral schools and colleges) is constantly being expanded. More about this under: https://boku.ac.at/docservice/doktoratsstudien