General information
Erasmus+, the educational programme of the European Union and fosters mobility and transnational cooperation. Students may spend between 3 and 12 months of their studies at a European partner university and get an Erasmus+ scholarship from the EU.
BOKU partner universities can be found in our Mobility Online database and on this map (Please do NOT use Internet Explorer to open Mobility Online or the map but use a different browser instead; further partner institutions can be found here: Ceepus Networks and here: Joint Study Partners).
Erasmus+ Programme countries (there are different partner universities in the following countries depending on the field and level of study):
- 27 EU Member States (incl. overseas territories such as Guadeloupe) plus
- Norway
- Iceland
- Liechtenstein
- Switzerland (scholarship via SEMP programme; admin. procedure as for E+)
- Northern Macedonia
- Serbia
- Turkey
Erasmus+ can offer you an interesting, exciting and joyful semester/year at one of our partner universities abroad. Abroad you will meet people from various countries speaking a variety of languages, studying and living together. Learning more about other cultures is a life-changing experience and offers ample opportunity for professional and personal growth. The trailer for the film ‘The Erasmus Generation’ offers an exciting foretaste of the Erasmus+ programme. Click here for the video.
We are happy to accompany you before, during, and after your time abroad and we will try our best to make your stay abroad as comfortable as possible. Your exchange coordinator at the BOKU-International Relations as well as the coordinators at our partner universities will be happy to help you organise your stay abroad.
The Erasmus+ Programme seeks to promote equal opportunities and access, inclusion and fairness across all its actions. We explicitly encourage students with special needs or from underrepresented groups to apply. Please find more information on facilities for students with special needs and visit the website of the Coordination office for Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Disability.
Our info event "International Days" / "ZOOM IN.ternational Days" (due to Corona in 2020/21) takes place each semester - here one can find the video, which helps to establish an overview and also many students have their say.
Erasmus+ 2021-2027 Priorities

*Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.