Institute of Safety and Risk Sciences BOKU-StartDepartment of Landscape, Water and InfrastructureInstitute of Safety and Risk Sciences This page is available under these URLs: We celebrate 30 years of research at ISR A wide range of courses on the following topics: Nuclea energy Risk and Technology Assessment of Bio- and Nanotechnology Renewable Energy 12345678 weiter zurück Side event at the Biological Weapons Convention at the United Nations in Geneva In the media: Friederike Frieß on Terra X, ZDF Friederike Frieß from ISR discussed the issue of radioactive waste with the geologist Tim Vietor and the President of BASE, Christian Kühn. What’s going wrong? Friederike Frieß in a Deutsche Welle (DW) video on small modular reactors (SMRs). Celebrating 30 years of research at ISR: Symposium SHAPING TECHNOLOGIES IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS × Management and Administration Head Mag.Dr. Nikolaus Müllner Deputy Dr. Bernd Moritz Giese Secretary Cornelius Klement-Dick Secretary Mag. Isebill Susanne Schmiedbauer Addresses & Contact Institute of Safety and Risk Sciences Inst. f. Sicherheits- u. Risikowissensch Peter-Jordan-Straße 76/I 1190 Wien Contact: Tel.: +43 1 47654 81800 Fax: +43 1 47654 81809 risikoforschung(at) ×