Farhad Chariyev-Prinz - Curriculum Vitae

Farhad Chariyev-Prinz received his bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Bonn (Germany) with specialization in Cellular Immunology; his undergraduate research involved the establishment and tracking of primary murine immune cell interactions in 3D matrices. During his master programme Life Science and Technology at the University of Leiden (Netherlands) he was part of the Supramolecular & Biomaterials Chemistry group where he worked on the development of nucleic acid graft copolymers for miRNA detection.

He completed his PhD studies in 2022 as part of the CarBon ITN at the Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). His doctoral research investigated how biophysical cues like mechanical compression or hydrostatic pressure can affect chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in 3D. He is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in AG Kasper and is involved in the development of suitable 3D systems for hMSC culture.