Diversity Award for research

In December 2023, BOKU announced the Diversity Award for Research for the first time.

The award ceremony will take place at the first BOKU Diversity Day on June 5, 2024 in Tulln.

The establishment of the award is a measure of the diversity strategy that has been implemented at BOKU and is intended to radiate into all fields of action at our university - as in this case in the field of diversity and research.

The importance of diversity in research

We know from numerous studies that a diverse composition of research teams brings many advantages and innovations: for example, an increased quality of results due to a greater diversity of perspectives or the reduction of biases, i.e. fewer unconscious assumptions. A content-related and/or methodological focus on diversity can also increase the diversity of perspectives and achieve more comprehensive research results.

Who can submit?

Everyone who conducts diversity-sensitive research as individuals or teams is invited to participate. Research projects (ongoing or completed), publications, scientific presentations and posters can be submitted. BOKU researchers can submit their individual or team projects until March 31.

Selection criteria

The submissions are evaluated on three levels:

  • At the personal level, for example, gender relations, origin, inclusion and other biographical factors are taken into account.
  • At the content and methodological level, gender-theoretical and diversity-sensitive factors play a role - for example with regard to the research question or methodological approach.
  • On a structural level, the social impact of the research project is relevant, for example in terms of participation and visibility with regard to diversity.

A BOKU jury will evaluate the projects based on the defined criteria.


   Main Award Diversity Research 1,500 euros
   Recognition Award Diversity Research 500 euros

Award ceremony on Diversity Day

We want to celebrate the awarding of the first Diversity Award for Research. On June 5, 2024, the diversity awards for research – a main award and a recognition prize – will be awarded during the first BOKU Diversity Day in Tulln. After the awards ceremony, BOKU will host a Diversity Brunch - culinary diversity included!

You can find more information about the submission under the following link
